Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Devil in the White City

A book widget from http://www.randomhouse.com so that you can browse and search.

Monday, June 27, 2011

SLJ chats with Diane Penrod about Using Blogs to Enhance Literacy

SLJ caught up with Penrod to talk about how blogs can be used to improve everything from collaborative learning to critical thinking—and how to get media specialists on board.
Debra Lau Whelan -- School Library Journal, 10/09/2007

Schools Lower the Boom on Blogs

“There are safety concerns with minors,” says Rebecca Jeschke, a spokesperson for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which supports the rights of bloggers. “But just because you’re a minor doesn’t mean you don’t have free speech rights.” So instead of banning blogs outright, EFF suggests schools teach students how to safely navigate and use the Internet, advising them against sharing personal details, such as their addresses, and being aware that posted information can have staying power. “The Internet is a primary way for students to communicate,” Jeschke says. “Restricting that [access] is too broad a stroke.”

By Lauren Barack -- School Library Journal, 12/01/2005

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blogs vs Wikis

Vicki Davis - Cool Cat Teacher Blog:
"One of my more recent assignments was to have students compare and contrast wikis and blogs."

"The most meaningful point that they have brought out for me is that they see wikis as a place to share information and they see blogs as a place to share opinions and discuss. One gives them information (wikis) and one gives them a voice (blogs.)"
